Introductory Dive
Statement of health and expectation coordination

Dear Diver:
In order to maintain your safety and health during the introductory dive and to make the diving experience pleasant or suitable for you or your child, you are requested to complete and sign the form below; any positive marking requires approval from a diving doctor (including electronic approval). In the case of a diver who is a minor, the minor's parent or designated guardian will complete and sign the form.

My current medical information

Respiratory problems
Cardiac diseases
Sinus problems
Chronic lung disease
Ear problems that may cause difficulty in equalizing pressures
Taking regular medications , In the last six months
Epilepsy or recurring fainting spells
Uncontrolled diabetes
Significant functional impairment resulting from cognitive, mental, neurological, or neuropsychological conditions, including autism
Surgery in the past year
Any other medical condition that may endanger your health while diving or limit your participation in it
For women – pregnancy (note: diving during pregnancy is dangerous and contrary to the guidelines of the authorized authority)

For your information:

  • According to Section 2A(b)(7) of the Sport Diving Law,1979 (hereinafter – the Law), children from the age of 8, who have not yet turned 10, are permitted to perform up to two introductory dives per day.
  • Do not dive under the influence of alcohol or dangerous drugs (including cannabis or other prescription drugs).
  • It is recommended not to fly two hours after completing the introductory dive; please note: flying before two hours have passed from completing the dive may cause serious health 

  1. During the dive – the instructor must hold your hand or your diving equipment, and at his sole discretion.
  2.  As guests in nature, we respect the environment and avoid contact with marine life.
  3. According to Section 2A(b)(7) of the Sport Diving Law, 1979, children from the age of 8, who have not yet turned 10, are permitted to perform up to two introductory dives per day.
  4. Do not dive under the influence of alcohol or dangerous drugs (including cannabis or other prescription drugs).
  5. It is recommended not to fly two hours after completing the introductory dive; please note: flying before two hours have passed after completing the dive may cause serious health damage.
  1. Are late for the scheduled reporting time.
  2. Did not perform or did not complete the activity for any reason.
  3. Were prevented from participating in the activity due to concealing medical information at the time of placing the reservation,or while filling out the health declaration.
  4. Made a pre-order for a diver under age of 8.